Can you use drones in your business?

drone delivering beer

Imagine for a moment that we lived in a world where every person owns a drone and they were free to use it however they liked. Scary thought? Maybe so, but it may not be a too distant future. Buying a drone either for yourself, for a present or for your company can be easily done. If you own a small or medium sized business, you might already be thinking of ways drones may be able to replace your staff or save you some time and money by increasing the efficiency of your business.

What are the current regulations for commercial use of drones in US?

Only last month, the FAA (Federal Aviation Administration) accused Rep. Sean Patrick Maloney of violating their rules when he used a drone to film and take photos at his wedding in NY.

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The Rise of Wedding Drone Videos

wedding photo taken by drone

You might just have a drone filming your wedding video or taking your wedding photos at your next wedding. This new type of commercial application for drones has taken USA by storm and you might wonder why was there a delay?

But hold your horses – as we previously mentioned, any drone or UAV used for commercial purposes such as this, needs to have special approval from the FAA. In fact, just last month, Rep. Sean Patrick Maloney used a drone to take shots and film a video at his wedding in Hudson Valley, NY and he is being accused by FAA for violating their rules.

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How Popular Have Drones Become?

drone sunset picture

You may have already read the Beginner’s guide to drone flying if you haven’t yet flown one of these devices, which may have captured your interest. But how popular are drones exactly? And what does the trend in the interest for drones buying look like for the past, future and present? Well, let’s take a look at a few graphs.



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