The cheapest drone video camera

Browsing the internet I have come across Sky Drone, a new company that started up last year after being funded on Indiegogo. And what do they make? You guessed it, drones, but not just any old flying device. They claim to have come up with the world’s cheapest drone capable of transmitting live video to a mobile phone over the 3G or 4G network.

skydroneWhat’s a far cry from the deadly machines the military pioneered, today’s civilian drones such as this one don’t carry missiles, but surveillance cameras. Skydrone, the one year old start up based in Hong Kong has created one of the world’s cheapest cameras for drones.

The quadcopter drone set up consists of a camera, modem mounted on top of the drone and the controller board which does all the work mounted on top.

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How Popular Have Drones Become?

drone sunset picture

You may have already read the Beginner’s guide to drone flying if you haven’t yet flown one of these devices, which may have captured your interest. But how popular are drones exactly? And what does the trend in the interest for drones buying look like for the past, future and present? Well, let’s take a look at a few graphs.



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